Our Churches and Parish Office are mobility friendly. Covid-19 Information & Guidelines.
Acknowledgment of Traditional Custodians
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years.
We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of all
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.
Our Liturgy

Liturgy Commitee
"And the centre is Christ! All of us, in the diversity of gifts and ministries, join in his action, because he, Christ, is the Protagonist of the liturgy."
{Pope Francis, 3 February 2021, Catechesis on Prayer}
The Liturgy Committee of the Lefevre Catholic Parish works with the Pastoral Director to bring our beautiful diversity of gifts and ministries to the worship of God and the service of the community. Even the most ordinary task, such as cleaning the churches, is valuable.
The Liturgy Committee:
Advises the Pastoral Director on implementing our Church's calendar,
Invites parishioners to join in the various ministries, and where necessary arranges training,
Creates working rosters to enable parishioners to work together.
The various ministries include musicians, singers and cantors, special ministers of the Blessed Eucharist, readers of the Sacred Scriptures, welcomers and commentators, sacristans, altar servers, workers in decoration, flower arrangers, writers for local prayers of intercession and commentaries, collectors for offerings, cleaning altar linen and churches, and other liturgical tasks.
Our Liturgy Committee can be contacted through the
Lefevre Catholic Community Parish Office. Individuals or groups of parishioners are very welcome to volunteer for the various liturgical tasks: we need a wide diversity of gifts.
[Deacon Tim Grauel, Carolyn Watt, Pam Taylor, Marie Vickers,
Michael Urdanoff, Claire Moore, Dean Williams, Kim Westbury & Bernadette Smith]
Altar Servers
"There is no need for lots of words; more important are your actions, your closeness, your desire to serve, gazing before the Most Blessed Sacrament," Pope Francis said. "In this way, you will also help others to see how beautiful the community of believers is, because the Lord dwells in its midst."
[Pope Francis to 60,000 altar servers in Rome, 31 July 2018]
ALTAR SERVERS, often older children or teenagers, have been an important part of worship in our Parish Churches. At present we are not using altar servers because of the Coronavirus, so that we can more easily keep "social distance". However, we would like to reintroduce our teams as soon as possible. Altar Servers may be female or male.
Parishioners wishing to volunteer as Altar Servers can contact the Parish Office. Training will be provided.

Children’s Liturgy
The Children's Liturgy Programme is designed to bring the Word of God to children with the same format as used in Mass.
Sessions are held during School Term Dates on the 1st Sunday of the month at 9am at Our Lady of the Visitation Church, Taperoo.
How Does This Program Work?
The children leave the Church and follow the facilitator & assistant to Stella Maris House (located adjacent to the Church). Parents & Caregivers are welcome to accompany their children if they wish.
Using a liturgy plan, the facilitator begins the session by lighting a candle to prepare for the Gospel reading.
After completing an activity, based on that Gospel reading, the children re-enter the Church for the rest of the Mass.
Each session is run by two qualified catechists (both of whom have a Working with Children Check clearance issued by the Archdiocese of Adelaide).
Each session takes about 25 mins.
Who can attend?
All children of school age are welcome to attend – for younger children, it is preferred that a parent or caregiver joins in until the child understands the expectations and concepts of the programme.
For further information, please contact the Parish Office.
[Lorenza Bianchini, Facilitator]