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Image by Nathan Dumlao



You have chosen one of our parish churches for your wedding: Sacred Heart Church at Semaphore or Our Lady of the Visitation Church at Taperoo. We hope that the information below will help you.


1. Catholic Marriage
Our churches are only available for Catholic marriages. For a Catholic marriage, one or both of the bride and groom must be Catholic. Also, both bride and groom must be free to marry in the Catholic Church. (If you are in doubt about your freedom to marry according to Catholic practice, you are invited to check with the Marriage Tribunal of the Catholic Church

Image by Gardie Design & Social Media Marketing

2. Catholic Marriage Ceremonies
Two ceremonies are available. First, there is a wedding ceremony within the celebration of the Eucharist (often called a Nuptial Mass). Where both parties are Catholic, they normally choose the Nuptial Mass. Second, there is the wedding ceremony within a celebration of God's Word. This ceremony does not include Holy Communion, and is most often chosen when only one party is Catholic. Please be aware that readings from the Sacred Scriptures (the Bible) must be chosen for your ceremony as part of the Liturgy of the word.

3. Marriage Preparation
All couples marrying in the Lefevre Catholic Community are expected to participate in a Marriage Preparation Programme. Programmes are available through our Catholic Family Services (Centacare) You may discuss other options with the priest or deacon who is to be your celebrant.

4. Your Celebrant

It is normally the responsibility of the Parish Priest of the parish where you reside, to prepare you for marriage and then to be the celebrant. If your parish priest cannot do this (for example, because you live interstate) then your parish priest can arrange an alternative. Where one of the couple lives within the Lefevre Catholic Community, you can directly contact our parish office. The celebrant may be a Catholic priest or deacon, and must be currently registered both with your diocese and with the civil authorities.

5. Costs
For our churches, our booking fee is $200, plus a $200 bond. Full payment of this fee is required at the time of booking. The bond will be returned after the wedding if the conditions are met. You may also require a sacristan to assist in the church, and the fee for sacristan is $12.50 per 30 minutes (or part thereof).
Our Archbishop sets a standard stipend or offering for the celebrant for all weddings in the Archdiocese. This stipend is pooled to support all clergy. This offering is given by you directly to your priest or deacon. At present the standard stipend is $500. If you are having difficulty meeting these costs, please discuss this with your priest or deacon.

6. Times of Weddings
Weddings may be celebrated on any day of the week, and at any time. Kindly note that the church may already be booked for regular church activities, so your desired time might not be available. Also, if you wish to add decoration to the church, the time must be convenient for the sacristan, and must not interfere with the regular church activities.

7. Music for your Wedding
Choosing to marry in a Catholic Church means consciously choosing to marry in the presence of God. Your wedding is a religious ceremony, celebrated in a sacred place. Music and singing should enhance the sacredness and prayerfulness of your ceremony. Music chosen must be suitable for a Catholic Church, and suitable for a wedding.


Your booking fee does not include music or musicians. If you invite a friend to provide music as a volunteer, or engage musicians, then please note the following points:

(a)  All contractors entering Church property must carry      Public Liability insurance.

(b)  All electrical equipment brought onto Church property by volunteers or contractors must have current electrical safety tags.

(c) Song lyrics in wedding booklets must be accompanied by accurate copyright citations.

Image by Mei Bakker

8. Copyright
The laws of Australia concerning copyright place upon all of us legal and moral obligations. For many couples, their wedding will be the first time to think about these laws. We can only mention some indicators here. If you are engaging professional musicians, then they will know what laws apply to them. More information is available at

If any music is played or hymns sung which are still under copyright, then a license must be purchased for making a video which includes such music or hymns. Ask your videographer to obtain the necessary license.
If you have a wedding booklet, then besides the lyrics to hymns or songs, you must also include references to the Bible texts and liturgical texts. The correct wording is available at

9. Decorations
Flower arrangements may be provided by the couple, and placed in the sanctuary (not in front of the altar). Pew decorations are permitted on the centre aisle. Pew decorations must be attached by elastic or tying. No pins, masking tape, or clamps may be used. For safety reasons, candelabra and floral arrangements may not be used along the pews or the aisle.


Confetti, petals, rice, and other tokens may not be thrown inside or outside the church.

10. Photographs and Video
Most couples like to have a photographic or video record of their ceremony, and photographers and videographers are permitted in the church. However, the church is not their studio, and they must respect the sanctity of your wedding, and be discreet at all times. Photographers and videographers are not permitted in the sanctuary during your ceremony. However, they may enter the sanctuary for the signing of the registers, after the ceremony. Here are two helpful guidelines:

(a) Once the ceremony begins, photographers and videographers must not walk in front of your family and friends. If they want to get from one side of the church to the other, they must walk behind those attending.
(b) Photographers and videographers must not block your family and friends. If someone can see their back, they are in the wrong place.


11. Consumption of Alcohol and Smoking
Please note that the consumption of alcohol prior to or after a wedding is not permitted on Church grounds. Our churches and grounds are also smoking-free zones.

13. Rehearsals
Most couples find it helpful for the bridal party to have a rehearsal prior to the wedding. Please arrange for your celebrant to be available, and arrange with the parish office so that the church is available.

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